Aug 31, 2020
Episode 184
The struggle is real! Coming up with quality content can be challenging! Especially if you are trying to figure out exactly what your audience is looking for. Well today my friends, you are in for a treat! My friend Shondell Varcianna from Varci Media shares how to never run out of the content...
Aug 26, 2020
Episode 183
Do the Instagram analytics have you overwhelmed? In this episode, I simplify the whole analytics scene and break it down into 3 numbers you should look at on the daily. The 3 analytics I share with you will give you a good snapshot and insight into how your post and your account are performing.
Aug 24, 2020
Have you been feeling the tug to start a podcast but aren’t sure if you really want to invest the time and energy into starting one? Yes, podcasting is a huge investment of time and energy but it can really help give you and your business the edge you are looking for. Today I am sharing 9 reasons why you should...
Aug 19, 2020
Episode 181
It’s here! Reels - Instagram’s answer to TikTok! Now the big question is...Should you or shouldn’t you dive into creating content for this new part of Instagram? Let’s dive in and break it down in today’s mini-cast.
Important Show Links:
Schedule social media content with ease! Try CinchShare!
Aug 17, 2020
Episode 180
I admit it! I think social media vanity metrics are important. In fact, in this episode, I am sharing SHOCKING truth about social media vanity metrics (and 3 Reasons why they are important). Tune in now!
Important Show Links:
Schedule social media content with ease! Try CinchShare! Get a 45-day free...