May 27, 2020
Episode 157
Sometimes we fall into ruts and we don’t even realize it. I know I have - especially with my Instagram stories. I am currently on a mission to jazz them up and I am going to take you along with me so you can make your stories interesting and captivating too! Ready to learn some tips, tricks, and hacks? ...
May 25, 2020
Episode 156
We have heard how important storytelling is for business growth. Sometimes it can be difficult to master the art of storytelling for business. My guest Lynne Golodner takes through the steps to help us craft stories for our businesses.
Don't miss the opportunity to join her 21-day workshop by following...
May 20, 2020
Episode 155
We hear it ALL. THE. TIME. "Deliver Value When You Post." We hear it SO often, it begins to sound like white noise and it leaves us wondering what value really is. In this episode I break it down and give you easy, real-life examples of how you can deliver value on the daily. Tune in now!
May 18, 2020
Episode 154
I LOVE a good secret, especially when it can make life a little easier. In this episode I share the 5 secrets I use for creating AMAZING social media graphics. Ready to learn what they are? Tune in NOW!
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May 13, 2020
Episode 153
Customers complaints or unhappy customers are bound to happen. It's just part of doing business. BUT, how you handle those customer situations makes ALL the difference. In this mini-cast I share with you 4 steps to follow. These steps will make dealing with unhappy customers so much easier - I promise! ...